
Information and data usually are highly secured entities, even between members of the same company. Data sharing between companies is 就像 handing your opponent your playbook before the Superbowl. Companies 就像 to keep these assets on a need-to-know basis to stay ahead of the competition. Sharing information within an organization however, can lead to profound positive impacts through all departments.

There is a significant shift towards democratizing IT, allowing for the power of technology to be in everyone's hands at the company. Is this a good idea for the long-term success of a company? mg官方游戏中心是这么认为的, and that is why we have put together this guide on what democratizing data looks 就像 and why it is so important.


Data is just as valuable as the dollar in our current information age. 86%的高管同意 their organization must train its people to think 就像 technologists. Data analysts have been the ones with the access and knowledge to absorb this information and break it down with other departments. Thankfully this does not have to be a regular operation any longer. New technologies have made understanding and sharing data on a mass scale easier. Data democratization is about taking this information from the hands of a few and safely distributing it company-wide.


As great as this idea sounds, it does warrant valid concerns. If not introduced and implemented correctly, data sharing can complicate operations. It is not as simple as just sharing all data with the entire company; that would be overwhelming and unnecessary. Not every department or employee will need every bit of information your company has, and that is why any method of data democratization hinges on three concepts.

  • 信任: Data quality issues can turn empowerment on its head. Handing mountain-sized amounts of data to your team will not generate better results. Employees may not immediately trust the information based on the way it is presented to them. Present the data to your team in a digestible format that is easy to navigate. People are not always comfortable asking IT questions, 因此, they should have the ability to try and solve their problems on their own first.

  • 可用性: The complex work your team does on a daily basis should not be made more difficult. 何时共享数据, it should be done through a polished index that allows them to find relevant information. It is also helpful to gradually introduce the whole company to this data. Roll it out in batches so the team can understand the new data before gaining access to the following data share.

  • 见解: Access to data should allow for quicker and better-informed decision-making. Teams may have had to wait on the IT department or data analysts to get back with them in the past. 这可能需要几天或几周的时间, and this is an inefficient way to operate with time-sensitive projects.

With your data democratization strategy in place, every user in your organization can access data, regardless of their technical knowledge or skills, 实现有见地的决策.


This deconstruction of IT does not mean the total eradication of the department from business operations. The IT department will still head major programs, injecting new technology into the business. The true importance and benefit of democratization will free up departments from typical barriers they are forced to overcome. Managing large-scale data is cumbersome for even the largest and most skilled IT departments. This 数据管理 transformation allows every employee to solve their problems with technology. This practice is already underway, with many companies reaping the benefits.

Data democratization exists to solve data problems as efficiently as possible. It may require a cultural shift within a company to ensure that everyone is comfortable asking data questions and understands where they can access the information.

此外, democratized technology lets people optimize their work or fix pain points, and they are now able to do this without having to request access or support from the IT department (which slows down their work). Individuals or entire departments can then create a custom dashboard for a multitude of things 就像 tracking group finances, 自动批准采购订单, 和更多的!


If this sounds 就像 a wonderful move for your organization, but you don't have the capacity to support it at the moment, 然后寻求第三方的帮助, 就像 MG游戏登录网页. 在莫泽, we provide customers with a variety of IT services, allowing you to devote critical resources to achieve business objectives rather than managing increasingly-complex internal IT operations. Democratizing your data or any IT function can be taken care of by our team. mg官方游戏中心 today if you want to make IT headaches a thing of the past.



